Round Cable Fastening Solutions for Overhead Lines
Release time: 2025-02-14
Enabling the roll-out of outside plant ultrafast broadband networks on MV, LV or telecommunications networks, ADSS (All Dielectric Self-Supported) cables are effective solutions for the transmission and distribution of optical signal. Their main benefit consists in their design: ADSS cables are developed with a reduced diameter and they offer a low overall weight. This makes it possible to relieve poles and thus to permanently preserve the operated infrastructure. In addition, the non-metallic structure of ADSS cables provides an anti-lightening protection, eliminating thus the risk of network failure caused by natural hazards. Depending on their structure and the manufacturer's specifications, ADSS cables are used for deploying a telecom network segment in overhead or underground configurations, for indoor installation or, in case of multi-function ADSS cables, for a discontinuous installation implying outdoor-indoor or overhead-underground transitions. In that respect, ADSS cables with loose tube structure are notably used for the deployment of feeder networks. Micro-bundle or cables with a stranded structure are preferred instead for the rollout of distribution networks as they offer an increased flexibility and an easier access to the fibre. In order to guarantee future-proof overhead lines rolled out by using ADSS cables, it is essential to pay a particular attention to dead-ending and suspension clamps. Together with the cable, these accessories form a cohesive unit. Hence, they must meet compatibility criteria. Here are the main elements to check before selecting the right ACADSS clamp or the most suitable suspension device for your cable: ㆍthe outer sheath diameter ㆍthe maximum allowable tension, also called tensile load short-term ㆍthe minimum bend radius ㆍclimatic conditions specific to the installation environment