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Aerial Insulated Cable (IEC 60502-1)

Aerial Insulated Cable (IEC 60502-1)

Application Primarily used for overhead service applications such as street lighting, outdoor lighting, and temporary service for construction. To be used at vo
Primarily used for overhead service applications such as street lighting, outdoor lighting, and temporary service for construction. To be used at voltages of 1000 volts phase - to - phase or less and at conductor temperatures not to exceed 70°C for polyethylene (PE) and Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) insulated conductors or 90°C for cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated conductors.
• GB/T 12527(Equivalent to IEC 60502-1)Aerial Insulated Cables for Rated Voltages up to and Including 1kV
• IEC 60228 Conductors of insulated cables
Conductor: Conductors are stranded,circular compacted or uncompacted aluminum, copper , aluminum-alloy, ACSR etc.   
Insulation: Thermoplastic polyethylene(PE),polyvinyl chloride (PVC) ,cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE),black color,weather and UV resistant.
Type No. of Cores Nominal size
AAC/PVC, AAC/PE, AAC/XLPE 3+k* 10 ~ 120
*The auxiliary core k is a load-bearing core or a neutral core with a load. According to the requirements of the factory, the cross-section of the auxiliary core is optional to match the main core. (A) means steel carrying stranded wire, (B) means aluminum alloy carrying stranded wire.
GB/T 12527
(Equ. IEC 60502-1)
Nominal Size Min. No. of Wires Approx. Nominal Max. Diameter of Cable  Max. DC Resistance
at 20 0C
Breaking Load
Diameter of Conductor Thickness of Insulation
    Hard copper Annealedcopper Hard copper
mm2 No. mm mm mm Ω/km Ω/km N
10 6 3.8 1 6.5 1.906 1.83 3471
16 6 4.8 1.2 8 1.198 1.15 5486
25 6 6 1.2 9.4 0.749 0.727 8465
35 6 7 1.4 11 0.54 0.524 11731
50 6 8.4 1.4 12.3 0.399 0.387 16052
70 12 10 1.4 14.1 0.276 0.268 23461
95 15 11.6 1.6 16.5 0.199 0.193 31759
120 18 13 1.6 18.1 0.158 0.153 39911
150 18 14.6 1.8 20.2 0.128 0.124 49505
185 30 16.2 2 22.5 0.1021 0.0991 61846
240 34 18.4 2.2 25.6 0.0777 0.0754 79823
Nominal Size Min. No. of Wires Approx. Nominal Max. Diameter of Cable  Max. DC Resistance
at 20 0C
Breaking Load
Diameter of Conductor Thickness of Insulation
mm2 No. mm mm mm Ω/km Ω/km N N
10 6 3.8 1 6.5 3.08 3.574 1650 2514
16 6 4.8 1.2 8 1.91 2.217 2517 4022
25 6 6 1.2 9.4 1.2 1.393 3762 6284
35 6 7 1.4 11 0.868 1.007 5177 8800
50 6 8.4 1.4 12.3 0.641 0.744 7011 12569
70 12 10 1.4 14.1 0.443 0.514 10354 17596
95 15 11.6 1.6 16.5 0.32 0.371 13727 23880
120 15 13 1.6 18.1 0.253 0.294 17339 30164
150 15 14.6 1.8 20.2 0.206 0.239 21033 37706
185 30 16.2 2 22.5 0.164 0.19 26732 46503
240 30 18.4 2.2 25.6 0.125 0.145 34679 60329
300 30 20.8 2.2 27.2 0.1 0.116 43349 75411
400 53 23.2 2.2 30.7 0.0778 0.0904 55707 100548
BS 6485,BS 7884
PVC-Covered Conductors For Overhead Power Lines
Nominal cross-sectional area Stranding and Wire Diameter Approximate Overall Diameter of Bare Conductor Maximum Resistance per kilometre at 20 °C Approximate Breaking Load Approximate Overall Diameter of Covered Conductor Approximate Mass per kilometre of Covered Conductor
Type 8 Type 16 Type 8 Type 16
mm² mm mm Ω kN mm mm kg kg
14 7/1.60 4.8 1.303 5.744 6.8 8.4 160 190
16 3/2.65 5.7 1.106 6.59 7.7 9.3 180 220
32 3/3.75 8.06 0.552 12.71 10.5 12.1 350 390
35 7/2.50 7.5 0.5337 14.097 9.9 11.5 360 400
70 7/3.55 10.65 0.2646 26.88 13.5 14.7 690 750
100 7/4.30 12.9 0.181 37.64 15.7 16.9 990 1060
PVC-Covered Conductors For Overhead Power Lines 
Nominal cross-sectional area Stranding and Wire Diameter Approximate Overall Diameter of Bare Conductor Maximum Resistance per kilometre at 20 °C Approximate Breaking Load Approximate Overall Diameter of Covered Conductor Approximate Mass per kilometre of Covered Conductor
Type 16 Type 16
mm² mm mm Ω kN mm kg
12 3/2.30 4.95 1.78 7.2 8.2 170
22 7/2.00 6 1.011 12.94 9.6 270
38 7/2.60 7.8 0.5983 21.69 11.8 430
75 7/3.70 11.1 0.2954 40.23 15.1 810
125 19/2.90 14.5 0.1784 68.75 18.5 1310
150 19/3.20 16 0.1465 82.16 20 1570
Aerial Insulated Cables for Rated Voltages Up To And Including 1kV AAC/XLPE 
Number of Cores and Size Min. No. of Wires Nominal Insulation Thickness Approx.  Diameter of Cable Max. DC. Resistance at 20℃ Breaking Load Approx .
mm2 No. mm mm Ω/km kN kg/km
1x10 6 1 5.8 3.08 1.65 41
1x16 6 1.2 7.2 1.91 2.517 65
1x25 6 1.2 8.4 1.2 3.762 94
1x35 6 1.4 9.8 0.868 5.177 129
1x50 6 1.4 10.9 0.641 7.011 166
1x70 12 1.4 12.6 0.443 10.354 229
1x95 15 1.6 14.8 0.32 13.727 315
1x120 15 1.6 16 0.253 17.339 386
1x150 15 1.8 18.1 0.206 21.033 476
1x185 30 2 20.1 0.164 26.732 594
1x240 30 2.2 22.8 0.125 34.679 777
1x300 30 2.2 24.9 0.1 43.349 955
1x400 53 2.2 27.6 0.0778 55.707 1205
2x10 6 1 11.6 3.08 1.65 84
2x16 6 1.2 14.4 1.91 2.517 131
2x25 6 1.2 16.8 1.2 3.762 189
2x35 6 1.4 19.6 0.868 5.177 261
2x50 6 1.4 21.8 0.641 7.011 336
2x70 12 1.4 25.2 0.443 10.354 463
2x95 15 1.6 29.6 0.32 13.727 637
2x120 15 1.6 32 0.253 17.339 779
4x10 6 1 14 3.08 1.65 167
4x16 6 1.2 17.4 1.91 2.517 262
4x25 6 1.2 20.3 1.2 3.762 378
4x35 6 1.4 23.7 0.868 5.177 522
4x50 6 1.4 26.4 0.641 7.011 672
4x70 12 1.4 30.5 0.443 10.354 926
4x95 15 1.6 35.8 0.32 13.727 1274
4x120 15 1.6 38.7 0.253 17.339 1558
BS 6485,BS 3242
PVC-Covered Conductors For Overhead Power Lines
Nominal cross-sectional area Stranding and Wire Diameter Approximate Overall Diameter of Bare Conductor Maximum Resistance per kilometre at 20 °C Approximate Breaking Load Approximate Overall Diameter of Covered Conductor Approximate Mass per kilometre of Covered Conductor
Type 16 Type 16
mm² mm mm  Ω kN mm kg
25 7/2.34 7.02 1.094 8.44 10.6 170
50 7/3.30 9.9 0.5498 16.8 13.9 280
100 7/4.65 13.95 0.2769 33.3 18 470
150 19/3.48 17.4 0.183 50.65 21.4 680
200 19/3.76 18.8 0.1568 59.1 22.8 780

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Add: Factory 1:No.26, Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province,China
Factory 2:No.38,Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
Factory 3:No.45, Handan City, Hebei Province, China
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