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Copper Clad Steel Stranded Wire(CCS)

Copper Clad Steel,Copper Clad Steel Stranded Conductor Copper Covered Steel (CCS) earth conductor Supplier and manufacturer from China
copper clad steel

Products Description
The copper-clad Steel strand wire is shaped like a cable, which is made of a plurality of copper-clad single wires. Because of its multi-stranded properties, the electrical conductivity and tensile strength are relatively good, and the product can be customized to enhance the elongation rate by multiple heat treatment in the production process, which has increased the strength and toughness of the steel compared with the pure copper strand. Moreover, the good electrical conductivity and corrosion resistance of the copper material are maintained due to the principle of the skin effect. Therefore, it is very popular in many fields of lightning protection and grounding, especially in power plants, substations, high-speed rail, subways, electrified railways, large-scale chemical plants, mechanical plants, communication base stations, transportation, computer rooms, highways and military bases.
1.High conductivity (up to 70% and above)
The copper-clad strand wire produced by our company generally has a conductivity of 30%-70%, and more than 70% can be customized according to customer requirements.
2.High tensile strength
The multi-stranded copper-clad strand wire has high tensile strength and can be made into copper-clad steel strand wire with high electrical conductivity and high tensile strength after being enhanced by special treatment process to be suitable for special use occasions.
3.Long life
The copper plating of single-stranded copper-clad round steel (copperweld steel) of multi-stranded copper-clad strand is thick, the excellent production process makes copper layer tightly combined and bent 180-360 degrees without cracking and its life is long and can be more than 30 years.
4.Low cost
The characteristics of high conductivity and corrosion resistance have greatly reduced the number of grounding conductors used in grounding projects, which can significantly save costs and achieve outstanding economic benefits.
5.Convenient construction and transportation
The single length of the copper-clad copperweld strand can be up to 100 meters, because the 100-meter package or the hundred-meter cable can be transported more easily. The welding between the grounding grids during the construction is recommended to use the exothermic welding series products produced by our company. There are different shapes of molds for exothermic welding, so that different permanent joints can be randomly welded. The construction operation is simple and easy to learn, and the various conductors of the grounding grid are welded together to become a true maintenance-free device.
 Specification Data
ASTM B-227 Hard drawn copper-clad steel wire
ASTM B-910 Annealed copper-clad steel wire
ASTM B-228 Concentric-lay-stranded copper-clad steel conductors


Stranded Bare Copper-Clad Steel
Size (No. – Awg) Diameter Breaking Load* Weight Resistance  
High Strength (HS) Extra-High Ohms Per km at 68˚F
Strength (EHS)
mm 40% Conductivity 30% Conductivity 30% Conductivity kg per km 40% Conductivity 30% Conductivity
(kN) (kN) (kn)
37-Wire Copper-clad Steel Strands
37 no. 5 32.26 435.34 481.49 579.84 5183 0.07226 0.0963
37 no. 6 28.7 360.54 397.16 481.05 4111 0.09112 0.12146
37 no. 7 25.65 298.02 327.08 397.34 3260 0.1149 0.15314
37 no. 8 22.83 245.95 269 326.63 2586 0.14488 0.19313
37 no. 9 20.35 202.65 220.94 266.64 2050 0.18266 0.24351
37 no. 10 18.11 167.5 182.45 216.31 1626 0.23035 0.30707
19-Wire Copper-clad Steel Strands
19 no. 5 23.11 223.57 247.29 297.75 2647 0.13986 0.18647
19 no. 6 20.57 185.12 203.94 247.11 2098 0.17637 0.23511
19 no. 7 18.31 153.04 167.94 204.03 1664 0.22238 0.29648
19 no. 8 16.31 126.29 138.13 167.72 1320 0.28044 0.37392
19 no. 9 14.53 104.09 113.48 136.21 1047 0.35358 0.47134
7-Wire Copper-clad Steel Strands
7 no. 5 13.87 82.37 91.09 109.69 971.148 0.37818 0.50414
7 no. 6 12.34 68.22 75.16 91.05 770.159 0.47691 0.63566
7 no. 7 11 56.38 61.9 75.16 610.744 0.60122 0.80163
7 no. 8 9.78 46.55 50.91 61.81 484.378 0.75834 1.01057
7 no. 9 8.71 38.34 41.8 50.2 384.182 0.95612 1.27461
7 no. 10 7.77 31.69 34.52 40.92 304.624 1.20573 1.6072
3-Wire Copper-clad Steel Strands
3 no. 5 9.96 37.26 41.22 52.78 415.437 0.88068 1.17391
3 no. 6 8.86 30.86 33.99 38.96 329.449 1.11028 1.48026
3 no. 7 7.9 25.51 27.99 35.25 261.256 1.40023 1.86665
3 no. 8 7.04 21.05 23.02 27.95 207.12 1.76562 2.35373
3 no. 9 6.27 17.35 18.91 22.82 164.35 2.22646 2.96807
3 no. 10 5.59 14.33 15.62 18.51 130.299 2.80735 3.74248
3 no. 12 4.42 9.95   11.41 81.951 4.46408 5.94992
Stranded Bare Copper-Clad Steel: Type “M” Guy Strand
Catalog Designation Stranded Diameter No. x Diameter of Individual Wires Rated Strength Weight
(mm) (mm) (kN.) kg / km
  6M 6.02 7 x 2.00 26.7 181.54
  8M 7.01 7 x 2.34 35.6 247.01
  10M 7.7 7 x 2.56 44.5 297.6
  12.5M 8.76 7 x 2.92 55.625 385.39
  14M 9.14 7 x 3.05 62.3 421.1
  16M 9.8 7 x 3.25 71.2 482.11
  18M 10.52 7 x 3.50 80.1 556.51
  20M 10.97 7 x 3.66 89 605.62
Specification and modles:
Model Nominal area Wire quantity Outer diameter Weight/km Pulling strength 20℃ Max resistance
Monofilament Conductor Grade 30 Grade 40 Grade 40 LC Grade 30 LC Grade 40 HS Grade 30 HS Grade 40 Grade 30
mm2 mm mm Kg/km kgf Ω/km
19 No.5 318.7 19 4.62 23.11 2634 2660.8 7823 8800 8800 9778 0.1442 0.1923
19 No.6 252.7 19 4.11 20.57 2087.8 2110.2 6205 6980 6980 7756 0.1818 0.2424
19 No.7 200.45 19 3.66 18.31 1656.3 1674.1 4923 5538 5538 6154 0.2294 0.3058
19 No. 8 158.96 19 3.26 16.31 1313.6 1327.4 3904 4392 4392 4880 0.289 0.3852
19 No. 9 126.06 19 2.91 14.53 1041.7 1052.5 3094 3481 3481 3868 0.3645 0.4862
7 No. 4 148.06 7 5.19 15.57 1218.6 1231.4 3636 4090 4090 4544 0.3093 0.4124
7 No. 5 117.41 7 4.62 13.87 966.4 976.5 2882 3242 3242 3603 0.3898 0.5197
7 No. 6 93.09 7 4.11 12.34 766.2 774.2 2286 2572 2572 2857 0.4915 0.6552
7 No.7 73.87 7 3.67 11 608 614.4 1814 2040 2040 2267 0.6201 0.8268
7 No. 8 58.56 7 3.26 9.78 482 487 1438 1618 1618 1798 0.7812 1.0414
7 No. 9 46.43 7 2.9 8.71 382.1 386.1 1140 1282 1282 1425 0.9859 1.3144
7 No. 10 36.82 7 2.59 7.77 303.1 306.2 904 1017 1017 1131 1.2422 1.6559
3 No. 5 50.32 3 4.62 9.96 413.4 417.7 1304 1467 1467 1630 0.9082 1.2104
3 No. 6 39.9 3 4.11 8.86 327.8 331.2 1034 1163 1163 1293 1.1447 1.526
3 No. 7 31.64 3 3.66 7.9 259.9 262.6 820 923 923 1026 1.444 1.925
3 N0. 8 25.09 3 3.26 7.04 206.1 208.3 651 732 732 813 1.8193 2.4253
3 No. 9 19.9 3 2.91 6.27 163.5 165.1 516 580 580 645 2.2957 3.0605
3 No. 10 15.78 3 2.59 5.59 129.6 130.9 409 460 460 511 2.8929 3.8552
3 No. 12 9.92 3 2.05 4.42 81.5 82.4 260 292 292 325 4.5573 6.0731
Size Strands*sigle path Diameter Conductivity
mm2 mm %
10 7*1.4 4.2 18%---70%
16 7*1.7 5.1 18%---70%
25 7*2.14 6.42 18%---70%
35 7*2.52 7356  
50 7*3.00 9 18%---70%
70 19*1.44 10.7 18%---70%
95 19*2.52 12.6 18%---70%
120 19*2.80 14 18%---70%
150 19*3.15 15.75 18%---70%
185 37*2.52 17.64 18%---70%
240 37*2.85 19.95 18%---70%
300 37*3.15 21.7 18%---70%
Nominal structure       Line quality
Sectional Area Stock/diameter Area Breaking load D.C.Resistance  
mm2 mm mm2 kg Ω/km Kg/km
      40HS 30HS 30EHS 40% 30% 30% 40%
320 19/4.62 318.71 22788 25206 30350 0.1399 0.1865 2634 2660.8
250 19/4.12 252.71 18849 20788 25188 0.1764 0.2352 2087.9 2110.2
200 19/3.67 200.45 15599 17118 20797 0.2225 0.2966 1656.3 1674.2
160 19/3.26 158.97 12873 14079 17096 0.2805 0.374 1313.6 1327.2
120 19/2.91 126.06 10609 11567 13884 0.3537 0.4715 1041.7 1052.6
150 7/5.19 148.06 10120 11240 13349 0.3 0.4 1218.7 1231.5
120 7/4.62 117.42 8396 9285 11181 0.3783 0.5043 966.41 976.53
90 7/4.12 93.097 6954 7661 9280 0.4771 0.6359 766.25 774.29
70 7/3.67 73.871 5747 6309 7661 0.6014 0.8019 608.06 614.46
60 7/3.26 58.561 4745 5189 6300 0.7586 1.0109 482.02 487.07
50 7/2.91 46.439 3908 4261 5116 0.9564 1.275 382.16 386.18
35 7/2.59 36.826 3230 3519 4171 1.2061 1.6077 303.14 306.26
50 3/4.62 50.322 3798 4201 5380 0.8809 1.1743 413.41 417.73
40 3/4.12 39.903 3145 3465 4424 1.1106 1.4807 327.84 331.26
30 3/3.67 31.645 2600 2854 3593 1.4007 1.8672 259.98 262.66
25 3/3.26 25.097 2145 2347 2849 1.7662 2.3544 206.11 208.34
20 3/2.91 19.903 1768 1928 2326 2.2271 2.969 163.55 165.19
15 3/2.59 15.781 1461 1592 1887 2.8082 3.7436 129.62 130.99
10 3/2.05 9.929 1014     4.4654   81.55 82.414
Copper-clad steel wire
Telephone wire,CATV cable, Electrical power,Communication overhead wire,Internet Cable,Computer Cable,
Electronics contact fittings,Screen line of electric power cable.High temperature conductor,
Hard-Drawn Copper-Clad Steel Wire
Area at 20°C                           Tensile Strength, min, psiA
cmil         in.2,A                           Grade 40           Grade 40             Grade 30               Grade 30
Nominal Diameter, HS EHS HS EHS
0.2043 41 740 0.03278 108 000 . . . 120 000 142 500
0.1819 33 090 0.02599 113 000 . . . 125 000 150 500
0.1650B 27 230 0.02138 118 000 . . . 130 000 157 500
0.162 26 240 0.02061 118 000 . . . 130 000 157 500
0.1443 20 820 0.01635 123 000 . . . 135 000 164 000
0.1285 16 510 0.01297 128 000 . . . 140 000 170 000
0.1280B 16 380 0.01287 128 000 . . . 140 000 170 000
0.1144 13 090 0.01028 133 000 . . . 145 000 174 100
0.1040B 10 820 0.008495 138 600 156 000 151 000 175 000
0.1019 10 380 0.008155 138 600 . . . 151 000 179 000
0.0808 6 530 0.005129 115 000 . . . 120 000 179 000
0.0800B 6 400 0.005027 115 000 . . . 120 000 179 000
0.0640B 4 096 0.003217 125 000 . . . 130 000 179 000
0.0403 1 624 0.001276 130 000 . . . 135 000 179 000
0.0390B 1 521 0.001195 130 000 . . . 135 000 179 000
0.032 1 024 0.000804 135 000 161 000 145 000 179 000
A Metric equivalents: 1 in. = 25.4 mm (round to four significant figures); 1 in.2 = 645.16 mm2 (round to four significant figures); 1 psi = 6.9 kPa (round to significant figure of U.S. customary units).
B These diameters are often employed by purchasers for communication lines but are not in the American Wire Gage (B & S Wire Gage) series, as are the other diameters listed (Note 3).
Maximum Resistance at 20°C V/1000 ftA
Nominal Diameter, in. Grades 40 HS Grades 30 HS
  and 40 EHS and 30 EHS
0.2043 0.6532 0.8707
0.1819 0.8239 1.098
0.165 1.001 1.335
0.162 1.039 1.385
0.1443 1.309 1.745
0.1285 1.651 2.201
0.128 1.664 2.218
0.1144 2.083 2.777
0.104 2.521 3.36
0.1019 2.625 3.5
0.0808 4.206 5.607
0.08 4.292 5.722
0.064 6.771 9.027
0.0403 17.13 22.83
0.039 18.32 24.42
0.032 27.52 36.69

A Metric equivalents: 1 V/1000 ft = 3.281 V/km (round off to four significant figures).
 Annealed Copper-Clad Steel Wire 
 Hard copper clad steel wire tensile strength and resistance requirements
Sectional   Area
Tensile   Strength
40HS 40EHS 30HS 30EHS 40HS、40EHS 30HS、30EHS
5.189 21.15 745 1076 828 983 2.1431 2.8568
4.620 16.77 780 863 1038 2.7032 3.6025
4.191 13.79 814 897 1088 3.2843 4.3801
4.115 13.30 814 897 1088 3.4057 4.5442
3.665 10.55 849 932 1132 4.2948 5.7253
3.264 8.37 883 966 1173 5.4169 7.2215
3.251 8.30 883 966 1173 5.4596 7.2773
2.906 6.63 918 1001 1201 6.8343 9.1113
2.642 5.48 956 1042 1208 8.2714 11.0242
2.588 5.26 956 1042 1235 8.6126 11.4835
2.052 3.31 956 1042 1235 13.7999 18.3966
2.032 3.24 956 1042 1235 14.0821 18.7739
1.626 2.08 956 1042 1235 22.2157 29.6176
1.024 0.823 956 1042 1235 56.2035 74.9052
0.991 0.771 956 1042 1235 60.1079 80.1220
0.813 0.519 956 1042 1235 90.2931 120.3799
CATV Copper clad steel wire for lead-in wire
Nominal   Dia allowable deviation        
mm (mm) Sectional   Area D.C.Resistance Breaking   load Quality
    mm2 Ω/km N Kg/km
1.628 0.015 2.082 40.189 1722 16.52
1.45 0.015 1.652 50.7636 1366 13.47
1.29 0.013 1.307 64.0484 1081 10.4
1.151 0.013 1.039 80.7388 859 8.27
1.024 0.01 0.823 101.7897 681 6.71
0.813 0.008 0.519 161.2612 427 4.12
0.724 0.008 0.411 203.7731 334 3.35
Requirements for tensile strength and elongation of copper - clad steel wire for electronic products
Note: for intermediate specifications, the upper limit of tensile strength and the lower limit of elongation are taken
* is the total elongation at break; Elongation after fracture is less than 0.5%
d Sectional Area Tensile Strength Minimum elongation %
mm mm2 MPa (250mm)
    30HS 30A 40HS 40A 30HS、40HS 30A、40A
1.83 2.63 875 345 758 310 1.5 15
1.63 2.08 875 345 758 310 1.5 15
1.45 1.65 875 345 758 310 1.5 15
1.29 1.31 875 345 758 310 1.5 15
1.15 1.04 875 345 758 310 1.5 15
1.02 0.823 875 345 758 310 1 15
0.912 0.653 875 345 758 310 1 15
0.813 0.519 875 345 758 310 1 15
0.742 0.412 875 380 758 345 1 15
0.643 0.324 875 380 758 345 1 15
0.574 0.259 875 380 758 345 1 15
0.511 0.205 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.455 0.162 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.404 0.128 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.361 0.102 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.32 0.0804 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.287 0.0647 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.254 0.0507 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.226 0.0401 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.203 0.0324 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.18 0.0255 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.16 0.0201 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.142 0.0159 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.127 0.0127 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.144 0.0103 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.102 0.00811 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.089 0.00621 875 380 758 345 1 10
0.079 0.00487 875 380 758 345 1 10


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Add: Factory 1:No.26, Tongxiang City, Zhejiang Province,China
Factory 2:No.38,Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
Factory 3:No.45, Handan City, Hebei Province, China
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