Lightning protection design scheme for petroleum and petrochemical sites
Release time: 2024-12-27
I. Direct lightning protection
According to the "Building Lightning Protection Design Code" (2010 Edition) GB50057-2010, the various types of station buildings in the oil production plant should be divided into Class II lightning protection buildings according to the importance of the building, the nature of use, the possibility and consequences of lightning accidents
Grounding: The impact grounding resistance is required to be no more than 10Ω.
II. Lightning surge intrusion prevention of station buildings
A power supply level 1 surge protector is installed at the main distribution end where the low-voltage power supply is introduced, and a surge protector should be installed at the front distribution end of important equipment.

III. Anti-static measures
It should comply with 9.3.6 of the "Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering Design Fire Protection Code" (GB50183-2004) The following Class A, B, and C A oil products (except crude oil), liquefied petroleum gas, and natural gas condensate work sites should be equipped with human body static electricity elimination devices.
Note: Direct lightning protection grounding must be separated from equipment grounding to prevent back-strike.
IV. Grounding system
In petrochemical sites, the most unqualified point is excessive grounding resistance.
The grounding resistance designed for protection against direct lightning strikes is R≤10Ω, and the grounding resistance designed for power supply equipment and instruments is R≤4Ω.
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